Monday, December 13, 2010

My mathematical mind

We got dumped on here yesterday. There was probably only 5-10 cms of snow, but as the day went on the temperature dropped, and by 8 p.m. when I was ready to run it was too cold and there was too much blowing snow to run outdoors. So I went down the road to the local recreation centre. Along with a pool and hockey rink, it has a 250-metre track.

Unfortunately my GPS watch didn’t work indoors, so I was stuck trying to figure out the math of my run in my head. Now math was one of the subjects (along with running) that I was not very good at in school, so I’ll spare you the details, but after a remarkably long time doing some basic manual calculations I figured I needed to run each lap in about 1:20 to come close to the 5:42/km pace Rob had set for me for the

So I started. I kept going. I passed a team of pre-pubescent girls and a wide assortment of elderly people. My knee felt tender at times and I wondered if I should stop, but Rob’s positive reinforcement and words of encouragement (“Don’t be such a pussy…fight through the pain Mary!”) pushed me to keep going.

I tried to stay on pace, and ended up doing the 32 laps in 44:03. Very close to my target. I can’t say I’m a fan of running on the track, at least not a small track like this one. The amount of running on the corners wears on you, and this morning I could feel it in my right ankle. And I think because I was paranoid about the effects of the turning on my knee, I was compensating with my other leg. But from a stamina perspective I felt great.

Anyways I got home last night and iced my knee, but this morning I could really feel it while walking. Rob’s got me doing runs of 6, 7, 8, 5, and 9 K between tomorrow and Sunday, so hopefully it’s feeling better by tomorrow. And hopefully I can get back outdoors.

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