Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hey strangers!

It's been awhile since I rapped at ya! (Jim Anchower anyone?)

Seriously though, it has been awhile. I've been busy winding up the Xmas holidays, while getting my runs in of course.

Since we last talked I ran my first 10K of the training plan (on Boxing Day), as well as my second 10K (tonight), with a bunch of shorter runs in between. My distance per week is building up, my knee is still hurting, but I'm running through it now and trying not to let it affect my progress.

I got a bunch of outdoor running stuff for Christmas, and have been making good use of it in this cold weather. I'm trying to stay outside for all my runs, and avoid the indoor track down the road.

So tonight I ran my second 10K. Rob had me on a plan, but as usual I couldn't stick to it and ended up running it in 52 mins exactly (a few minutes faster than planned). Now I know I'm in the middle of building up my stamina and speed, so I should be able to destroy that time in a few months, but it's still frustrating that I struggled so much. I feel great and have lots of energy, but at times my knee felt like it would buckle; if I had no knee problems I probably could have shaved 5 mins off my time tonight.

According to my plan for the next two weeks, this week culminates with a 12K run. It's about to get very interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Yes it will get interesting in the coming weeks and it will be your turn to huff and puff!

    Btw - the resemblance between you and Jim Anchower is uncanny!
