Saturday, December 11, 2010

7K and feeling good!

Tonight I ran my longest run yet: 7K. One-third of the half marathon I plan to run in May.

Rob had me doing intervals of 5:50/km, 5:20 and 5:05. But I settled in around 5:00/km and it felt pretty good, so I stuck with it. When I completed the first two kms at under ten minutes, I decided I'd try to do the 7K in under 35 minutes.

I pushed myself and finished in 34:28. But I don't think I could have kept it up for another kilometre. It's clear I have some work to do on my distance. No real problem with the knee. I put some ice on it when I got home.

Tomorrow night I'm scheduled to do 8K at 5:42/K.

1 comment:

  1. You are either stubborn or just plain stupid! Will you stick to the plan and stop running faster than you're supposed will end up injuring yourself again. There will be plenty of time to run faster.
